Fast Tracking the safe return of events within Australia

The Australian Mass Participation Sporting Events Alliance (AMPSEA) was formed in May 2020 by a group of industry leaders within the event management sector. Our purpose: To find a safe solution to delivering mass participation sporting events in the new landscape of COVID-19. AMPSEA is developing a strategy to secure financial support from the Government, leading a media campaign to drive awareness for our industry and producing best practise risk mitigation protocols to fast-track mass participation events back to business. As part of a series of webinars, AMPSEA invites you to join Executive Committee members, Chris Heverin, Dave Beeche, Lisa Dowsett and Nathan Rees as they share their insights into the evolution of AMPSEA and how the actions they are taking will change the way events are presented in Australia.


Risk Assessment & Compliance in the COVID-19 world